
Sunday, August 7, 2011


Who says it doesn't get cold right here, right now?

Please, may I beg to differ?

Maybe it's because I'm in a fully air-conditioned room with the remote control farther than an arm's reach away. Or maybe it's because these tears are taking my body heat as they evaporate. Or is it just the feeling of coldness given off by this empty space inside me?

Why do people make me feel so special when I can't reciprocate? I'm a selfish person, who is only concerned with my own problems, my own interests; I'm consumed with living my life in a bubble, blocking out the rest of the world. I spent 10th grade trying to stay as distant as possible from everyone else in the class. (In my defense, it wasn't the best environment to be in.) But what about everyone else? What about my TOEFL prep class? Oh, the people I met there! They showed me that there is another side to the world, other than SS Planet, the planet of the spoiled and stupid. I didn't let them in, did I? I just turned them away, simple that. Anybody who tried to get close to me got turned away.
The problem is, if they never got in, then why do I feel so empty like something has been taken out of me? Why do I keep staring at the phone, waiting for the text message I know would never come? Keep watching out for something, I don't know what, like a miracle to happen?

Now playing: You Can't Break a Broken Heart by Kate Voegele

Monday, July 18, 2011

New school

Finished my third day at a new school. So if I decide to stay, this will be my seventh school in seven consecutive years. Let's recount 'em:

  • 5th grade: Khuong Mai Primary School (Hanoi, Vietnam) (2005-2006)
  • 6th grade: Marie Curie Secondary School (Hanoi, Vietnam) (2006-2007)
  • 7th grade: Francis Junior High School (Washington, D.C., USA) (2007-2008)
  • 8th grade: Alice Deal Middle School (Washington, D.C., USA) (2008-2009)
  • 9th grade: Woodrow Wilson High School (Washington, D.C., USA) (2009-2010)
  • 10th grade: Doan Thi Diem High School (Hanoi, Vietnam) (2010-2011)
  • 11th grade: Dao Duy Tu High School (Hanoi, Vietnam) (????????)

I love my life and its constant irregularity (talk about oxymoron, huh?). I get to experience life under different perspectives, the way it's supposed to be perceived. A diamond's beauty is partially its many scintillating facets. The same can be said about life: Life is never as round as a pearl. (Of course, pearls aren't perfect spheres, but for the sake of this post, let us just assume.) And I truly am grateful for all the opportunities I was, am, and will be given.
But everything has its ups and downs. I meet lots people, but not many actually stick around for very long. Ever said "Keep in touch" but you got so caught up with your mundane quotidian activities that keeping in touch seemed like a privilege? Well, I have. And the feeling is not pretty, trust me, especially when getting to a new place means myriad things to catch up on.
So don't transfer, you might be thinking. Well, am I to blame for looking for something else since I'm not satisfied with what I have? A new school means no more AC, no more best-of-class, no more teachers' pet. But there's more to life than those ornamental accessories, right? I'll get to study my favorite subjects, full-time. Plus, no more expectations, no more keeping-an-image, and no more popular wannabes staring at my clothes judging.

Well, my verdict: transfer!
Now how do I get my transcript from my old school?

Now playing: This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy

P.S.: The whole finding a better school thing only applies to this time. All my previous transfers were circumstances driven.

Monday, July 11, 2011



Following someone's advice, I've spent quite a few days looking into Korean music. It started with thumbtacks, went on to Cassiopeia, then DBSK, and the result: K-pop.
And I think I'm giving up.
Call it obstinacy if you want, whatever, but I just cannot take a liking to guys-dancing-in-skinny-jeans-and-singing-in-harmonized-voices music. Somewhere, hidden beneath the carbon-copied porcelain skin and smooth dance moves, is that gag-factor. After a few days of incessant exposure, well, now, whenever surfing through the channels, I stop for a while, just a tad, longer if stumble upon a Korean video. Maybe to see what is on, or maybe just to prove a point: I do give it a chance, but it just isn't worthy enough.
P.S.: This doesn't apply to videos without an elaborate choreography, which so far, I've only found 2. And 1 of those is, well, melancholy, too melancholy.

Now playing: On the Ride by Aly&AJ

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First post

Well, not much to say, is there? I've tried to keep many blogs, none succeeded. So let's hope this one will.
I believe I can.
I believe I can.
I believe I can.

Now playing: Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift
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